IN may 2024 we officially launched our id essence experts board

The ID Essence Experts Board is made up of individuals who have been supported by ID Essence during their time in the criminal justice system who want to make a difference.

The aim of the board is to help shape ID Essence as a project, to help make it the best it can be.

Our fantastic experts do this by sharing their thoughts, feedback and ideas with the ID Essence team during Board Meetings, which take place online every two months.

Over the coming years the Board will guide ID Essence in key areas such as; what our activities we focus on, the language we use to talk about our work and the young adults we support, new initiatives we set up and what campaigning and advocacy we get involved in.

Below is a quote from one of our Experts about why they wanted to be part of the ID Essence Experts Board.

“I would like to be on the board as I feel I have enough experience to bring to the table. I have watched the charity grow and expand, and feel I can contribute positively to help and shape the project, to help make it the best it can be. I have been to a few prisons and served a lengthy sentence. I have completed numerous courses and gained several qualifications. I have came along way and wouldn’t mind sharing that with others so my experience can be used positively to help better the charity.”


If you are someone who has been supported by ID Essence and want to have a positive impact on the work we do at ID Essence and to be part of shaping the support we give people in prison and the community for the better, then this could be the opportunity for you!

To apply either let your ID Essence Worker know or email Jo -

We would love to hear from you!